When I am craving acknowledgement, it can lead down different paths. I can get angry at my superiors for not giving me attention. I can get jealous that my coworkers are doing cooler projects or getting more praise. And, as my last blog mentioned, “comparison goes nowhere.” The best thing I’ve found to help myself get out of the ‘I’m not getting acknowledged’ mindset, is to acknowledge others.
There are many ways of acknowledging others. An easy way is to write a short note to your coworker. Be specific. Acknowledge a specific action he has done. Express what it meant to you, and how it improves your work experience or benefits the organization. Writing these notes help us recognize there are great things going on around us. It strengthens our ability to be grateful for our relationships in our work environment. It gets us out of our negative thinking and valuing others.
Recognize how your co-workers like to be appreciated. Is it with written words, verbal affirmations, public recognition, one-on-one quality time, small gifts, or an extra hand on a task they are doing? If it is hard to tell, ask them directly. Gary Chapman is known for his books on love languages, and has a book on appreciation in the workplace.
Appreciating others gives us a sense of connection and camaraderie with our co-workers. If we don’t know where we stand with our manager, it is appropriate to ask for feedback. With respectful intentions, express that it is important for you to know that you are bringing value to the organization. Share a few ways of how you like to be appreciated. You manager might think she is acknowledging you, but she may be communicating on her terms, but not on yours. Discuss ways with each other how you and other co-workers can feel appreciated. If your manager is not responsive to this idea, consider taking the lead in acknowledging those around you.
Showing appreciation for others around us not only makes them feel really good, it helps us feel better about ourselves.
Good practice:
1. Observe a few co-workers. Notice tasks they do and how they do them.
2. Observe or ask them how they like to be appreciated.
3. Take time to write a personalized note fore a specific action they did and how you felt about it.
4. Make it a practice to appreciate a different co-worker once a week (or time frame that works for you).
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